The Job Search Continues
I feel like Josh's secretary. Not even joking. For the past week I've been searching out I could find in the Saint Louis area. I've been googling them. I've searched I've been checking craigslist for HVAC job listings. Searching Yahoo Hot Jobs. I've even been reading posts in a forum called HVAC-Talk (completely BORING!). I know waaaaaay too much about heating and air conditioning than I've ever wanted to know!
All in an attempt to help Josh find a job in Saint Louis.
He works 40+ hours a week and I've got nothing but time on my hands. (Ok not really, but nap times and when they choose to play quietly in their room I do...) I've e-mailed every HVAC company I could find on the internet. With his help I've typed out a resume and a cover letter. I've filled out applications. I've printed out several cover letters and resumes ready to fax to companies. When he gets an e-mail from any of the companies, I'm the one e-mailing them back.... as Josh of course.
I should be getting paid for this.
So far I've e-mailed, faxed, contacted via a web site or applied online to about 50 different companies. So far we've heard back from about 5. One is actually hiring for his job position.
Please send some prayers and good vibes our way that one of these companies like him enough to want to interview him!

All in an attempt to help Josh find a job in Saint Louis.
He works 40+ hours a week and I've got nothing but time on my hands. (Ok not really, but nap times and when they choose to play quietly in their room I do...) I've e-mailed every HVAC company I could find on the internet. With his help I've typed out a resume and a cover letter. I've filled out applications. I've printed out several cover letters and resumes ready to fax to companies. When he gets an e-mail from any of the companies, I'm the one e-mailing them back.... as Josh of course.
I should be getting paid for this.
So far I've e-mailed, faxed, contacted via a web site or applied online to about 50 different companies. So far we've heard back from about 5. One is actually hiring for his job position.
Please send some prayers and good vibes our way that one of these companies like him enough to want to interview him!

Josh is super lucky to have you helping him. He should be paying you. Not with money if you know what I mean. *wink, wink*
Best wishes on the job hunt!!
Hope he finds something soon, real soon.