15 Week Pregnancy Survey
How far along?
15 Weeks
Baby is the size of a:
Naval Orange! Average size: 5 inches and 3.5 oz.
Total weight gain:
Honestly, I have no idea yet. We don't have a scale here at home... I should really work on getting one. I've been doing a lot of walking lately though and I'm hoping that I haven't gained too much.
Maternity clothes?
Nothing fit right! Regular clothes are too tight and maternity clothes are just a tad too loose still. I hate it. I can't wait to get the cute preggo belly to show off! Right now I just feel really fat.
Stretch marks?
Same as week 13.. no new ones.
Still normal. Just been having some really weird dreams lately.
Best moment this week:
Knowing that in the next couple weeks or so I'll be able to feel the baby move inside of me!
Not yet.
Food cravings?
Nothing really. Just really, really thirsty! I have something with me to drink all day.
Oh yes. My belly isn't exactly round yet... I look like I'm super bloated and like I've gained 5lbs.
15 Weeks
Baby is the size of a:
Naval Orange! Average size: 5 inches and 3.5 oz.

Total weight gain:
Honestly, I have no idea yet. We don't have a scale here at home... I should really work on getting one. I've been doing a lot of walking lately though and I'm hoping that I haven't gained too much.
Maternity clothes?
Nothing fit right! Regular clothes are too tight and maternity clothes are just a tad too loose still. I hate it. I can't wait to get the cute preggo belly to show off! Right now I just feel really fat.
Stretch marks?
Same as week 13.. no new ones.
Still normal. Just been having some really weird dreams lately.
Best moment this week:
Knowing that in the next couple weeks or so I'll be able to feel the baby move inside of me!
Not yet.
Food cravings?
Nothing really. Just really, really thirsty! I have something with me to drink all day.
Oh yes. My belly isn't exactly round yet... I look like I'm super bloated and like I've gained 5lbs.
Tee hee, congrats on the little orange! Wait til it's the size of a watermelon.