
18 Weeks and I Found Out Baby is a.....

18 weeks 1 day in this picture!

No more pregnancy surveys... at least this week. Just wanted to give a lil update that baby and I are doing great! I've only gained 2lbs since the beginning of the pregnancy and baby is growing beautifully. I had an ultrasound this past Monday and I found out for sure that we're having another BOY! Yikes, what am I going to do with 3 boys?! 

Actually, to be perfectly honest I'm a bit relieved.... I was really hoping for a girl this time, but I'm a total pro at baby boys! I don't know the first thing about baby girls. Not to mention I've been thinking way ahead of myself... TEENAGE GIRLS. I really don't want one of those. I was one once and let's just say I know all the trouble a teenager can get into! But seriously, we're really excited for another boy. 

My two boys are really excited for a new baby brother too... My oldest, Camron, kept saying that he wanted the baby to be a girl, but when we went to pick out a new outfit for the baby today of course he wanted to get him the ones with the dinosaur and dumptrucks on them! :)

The name Josh and I picked out for this lil one is Richmond Josiah.... Named after Josh and his dad... and a longish line of Richmond J.s (Shhhh... Josh's first name is Richmond!). So just like his daddy Josiah will be going by his middle name.

One last thing before I end this post... I can finally feel the baby move on a regular basis!! I LOVE IT! :) Feeling those kicks and movements every few hours are really putting my mind at ease. It's like the baby is squirming around in there saying, "Hey mom! I'm still here!!"

It's really starting to feel real now.
2 Responses

  1. You look wonderful! Congrats. I have a three y.o daughter now. I hope next time I will have a baby boy like you :)