Amanda's Story Will Be Mine Too
This morning I was woken up WAAAYYY too early. (Thanks Brady for getting me up at 5am.) Normally I loath being up that early, but this morning I quickly got over myself when I came across this blog. If you're in to digital scrapbooking or have just been around the blogosphere at all you've probably seen the button for I've seen the button around for awhile, but this morning something made me actually click on it. I'm so glad I did! While searching through the site I came across this post. It's her inspiring story about her weight loss. In about 5.5 months she's lost 30lbs. (Check out her before and after pictures! Wow!) She went from a size 10/12 to a size 4/6. (That's the size I'm at now and the size I used to be at 5 years ago.) I've been wanting to lose weight for 5 years now and have never really done anything about it... 2 kids later and I just keep adding to the pounds I need to lose. (I'd love to have more kids, but I'm afraid of gaining more weight without having lost all the weight from my previous pregnancies.) Right now I'd be more than happy to lose about 20lbs... 30 would be even better! For FIVE YEARS I've been telling myself that THIS is the year. I'm newly remarried and I think my new husband deserves to have a hot wife. (Of course, he loves me the way that I am... and has never seen me as a size 4/6.) I deserve to feel good about myself. It will be such freedom to be skinny again and to wear what I want without worrying about what I look like in certain outfits.
I am going to do this.
I am going to try her method. It's free. It sounds easy to do. Why not? She doesn't deprive herself or starve herself. She just counts calories and she drinks nothing but water. Simple, right? Today I'm going out to buy the Healthy choice meals and the Lean Cuisines. I'm going to do this and I'm going to lose the 30 lbs that I've been wanting to lose. I'm in a size 10/12 right now and I can't wait to be in a 4/6 again! I'll be blogging along the way to keep myself on track... I think by sharing what I plan to do will hold me a little more responsible. Here we go... I start now!
I am going to do this.
I am going to try her method. It's free. It sounds easy to do. Why not? She doesn't deprive herself or starve herself. She just counts calories and she drinks nothing but water. Simple, right? Today I'm going out to buy the Healthy choice meals and the Lean Cuisines. I'm going to do this and I'm going to lose the 30 lbs that I've been wanting to lose. I'm in a size 10/12 right now and I can't wait to be in a 4/6 again! I'll be blogging along the way to keep myself on track... I think by sharing what I plan to do will hold me a little more responsible. Here we go... I start now!

Good luck! I'll have to check that out!
I'm so glad someone else understands the difference between an introvert and being shy. And I want my bff back, too!
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!
You commented on SITS before me;-)
Good luck with the weight loss. I read the post you linked to and only have two things to say.
1-Do not go below 1200 calories...if you do, you will go into "starvation" mode and your body will hold on to every calorie you eat and store it as fat because it will be thinking it is a time of famine and food is scarce. Then it will be difficult to lose the weight.
2-It's fine to track your calories for a week or a little more to get an idea of how you should be eating, but it's very easy to become obsessed with your eating and that is not a good way to live!
For what it's worth I am a dietitian (not registered yet but studying for the exam) ;-)
There is an award waiting for you on my blog!
Good luck to you!
I recently found a similar blog that has me totally inspired. I'm really excited for what the new year holds!