The Birthday Debate
My oldest son's third birthday is coming up on the 23rd of December. My youngest will be one on the 12th of January. Our family and a few friends keep asking me what I'm planning to do. When I tell them that we're going to have cake and ice cream at home they sound disappointed and ask me why I'm not throwing either one a party. Well... quite frankly, I don't believe in throwing little kids huge/expensive birthday parties. We don't have the money and I have enough to stress about in my life right now without throwing 2 birthday parties in the mix. Who would the party really be for anyway? In my opinion, the adults. Sure, the kids will have a good time.. unless it's close to nap time... but they most likely won't remember any of it. Do you remember your first, second, third or even fourth birthdays? I sure don't.
Now if you want to deal with the planning and the cost that comes with children's birthday parties... more power to you! If big birthday bashes are something your family does... AWESOME! If I'm invited I will show up and help you celebrate! ...It's just not something we are gonna do in my family.
I think cake, ice cream, singing happy birthday and a present or two to open with just the four of us works just as well... for us. I'm not doing it to try to exclude anyone. (Which is what I think a few of my family is thinking.) If YOU would like to plan a birthday party for my kids... go for it! I'll be sure to get us all there! Just let me know what time and where. ;) I just don't want to deal with it.
With all of that being said, my BFF and her hubby threw an AWESOME birthday party for their 3 and 1 year olds back in October. It was a Toy Story themed party complete with food, drinks, cake, games, prizes and even a bounce house. We all went and we all had a blast. I think my BFF deserves a gold star for putting it all together! :)
I'm not judging anyone who throws a big party for their kids.... Just don't judge me for NOT doing the same.
Now if you want to deal with the planning and the cost that comes with children's birthday parties... more power to you! If big birthday bashes are something your family does... AWESOME! If I'm invited I will show up and help you celebrate! ...It's just not something we are gonna do in my family.
I think cake, ice cream, singing happy birthday and a present or two to open with just the four of us works just as well... for us. I'm not doing it to try to exclude anyone. (Which is what I think a few of my family is thinking.) If YOU would like to plan a birthday party for my kids... go for it! I'll be sure to get us all there! Just let me know what time and where. ;) I just don't want to deal with it.
I'm not judging anyone who throws a big party for their kids.... Just don't judge me for NOT doing the same.

2 b-day parties would be adding to the pile-o-stress that is the holidays! I don't blame you for keeping it simple!! My kids' b-days are in the summer, so we do lunch at our house with immediate stress during the summer. ;)
Miss Em's bday is the day after christmas. It is so hard because you have to plan and buy everything at the same time as christmas! I actually do her "friend" party as a half birthday (june 26th) that is bigger (not bounce house big!!) and just do a simple close family party on her actual bday.
Do what works for you guys! you are a new fam and setting new traditions!!
Follow your instincts, kids parties can be simple and STILL be memorable!
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!
Are my eyes deceiving me? Or did you change blog layouts since yesterday? I really like this!
Anyway, as for kids' parties, I think it totally depends on the family. Whatever works for you is great. I think it's a little silly to spend thousands or even hundreds of dollars on a party for a 3 year old, but to each his own.
Have a great day!
Thanks for all the comments ladies. :)
Your eyes are not deceiving you Karen... I changed the layout about 2 days ago. Glad you like it.
(For anyone wondering, I made it using a free scrapbook kit from by the designer, Amy Teets.)
I just wrote about birthday parties on my blog the other day:
Stopping by from SITS!