I'm Bored. Time to Make Some Changes.
I feel like I'm stuck in a rut...
Hmm... Actually, I don't think that's what it is. I think it's more like I'm just really, really bored. Not so much with my life, but with myself. Clear as mud? Thought so. I think I'm just bored with my routine. I need some variety in my life. I need to get back into my hobbies and probably make some new friends/reconnect with old ones.
I used to think of myself as someone who hated change, but I've learned that I actually thrive on it. I love the unknown. I love doing new things and going on new adventures... If I can ever manage to get out of the house. I love learning and trying new ideas. The only problem I have with this is that I never really finish what I start. I love change so much that I don't stick with something long enough to finish it. This mostly applies to my hobbies. (Don't worry, Josh, I'm keeping you forever and seeing this through to the end lol.) Take my sewing for instance... I got a sewing machine for Christmas in 2008. I taught myself to sew, made a few things and then I haven't touched it since. ....I have a blanket that I began knitting back in September and it's sitting half finished on my dresser. ....I have several scrapbooks started, but none finished.
Ok, it just hit me.
I need to be better organized. If I was organized and had a weekly schedule I could probably get more done and get myself out of this funk that I'm in. Maybe I could schedule in some of my hobbies on different days of the week... It might take longer to get anything done, but at least I could finish my projects! Better than letting things sit, left untouched for months on end. It will also help me with my need for change. So for example I can knit on Mondays, scrap on Tuesdays, sew on Wednesdays, work on my Cafepress store on Thursdays and work on Looney Girl Designs on Fridays....
Hmm... I think this could work.
Now I just need to tackle my social life...
Hmm... Actually, I don't think that's what it is. I think it's more like I'm just really, really bored. Not so much with my life, but with myself. Clear as mud? Thought so. I think I'm just bored with my routine. I need some variety in my life. I need to get back into my hobbies and probably make some new friends/reconnect with old ones.
I used to think of myself as someone who hated change, but I've learned that I actually thrive on it. I love the unknown. I love doing new things and going on new adventures... If I can ever manage to get out of the house. I love learning and trying new ideas. The only problem I have with this is that I never really finish what I start. I love change so much that I don't stick with something long enough to finish it. This mostly applies to my hobbies. (Don't worry, Josh, I'm keeping you forever and seeing this through to the end lol.) Take my sewing for instance... I got a sewing machine for Christmas in 2008. I taught myself to sew, made a few things and then I haven't touched it since. ....I have a blanket that I began knitting back in September and it's sitting half finished on my dresser. ....I have several scrapbooks started, but none finished.
Ok, it just hit me.
I need to be better organized. If I was organized and had a weekly schedule I could probably get more done and get myself out of this funk that I'm in. Maybe I could schedule in some of my hobbies on different days of the week... It might take longer to get anything done, but at least I could finish my projects! Better than letting things sit, left untouched for months on end. It will also help me with my need for change. So for example I can knit on Mondays, scrap on Tuesdays, sew on Wednesdays, work on my Cafepress store on Thursdays and work on Looney Girl Designs on Fridays....
Hmm... I think this could work.
Now I just need to tackle my social life...

Also need to be more organized! Stopping by from SITS - love your post!
I have been thinking about making a schedule too. Stopping by from SITS!
I am in such a rut too... its so hard to stay home and feel "productive" (I am always busy but don't ever feel productive!!).
My scrabook/sewing room is a nightmere, need to get on that.
And what a social life again?? I think i need a refresher in social skills!!
I totally get how you are feeling because I was having this same conversation with my mom!! Sounds like you have a plan!!
decluttering is a huge way to kind of get back into focus. Whether thats the mess in my pantry or my unstructured schedule - I thrive when I have a plan and things are just out of my freaking way.
I totally hear you sister.
Thanks for stopping by! Do you make the apple butter yourself or do you buy it? Haven't seen it here in SA yet.
Haha, ok, I think we might be polar opposites here. My organization skills are completely lacking these days because I over-commit socially. Mother's Night Out? Sure. Ministry at Church? Why not. Walk around the neighborhood with friends? Absolutely. I need a little less social, and a little more of what you have!!!
Confessions From A Working Mom
That sounds like a really good plan. I know what you mean. I've been kind of bored with my overscheduled life. But that's when I realized I wasn't doing enough for me.
Thanks for the recipe link! Will check it out!
Sorry your feeling out of sorts! I know whenever I come up with a schedule, I tend to get more accomplished. Good luck...keep us posted on how you're doing :-)
Thanks for stopping by! Sorry for posting this in a comment, couldn't find an email address for you. Could you please email me on trudie@jollymommy.co.za and then we can exchange details for the postcard exchange? Would love to receive one from you!
You need to finish that knitted blanket stat! Or pull it out... which I've had to do to many a knitted project. If you're not going back to it, there's gotta be a reason.
And i just got a sewing machine this past December. If i find any patterns that motivate me, i'll send a link your way... :)
I know how you feel about being stuck in a rut though. Been there and likely will be there at some point in the future. Just means it's time to kick stuff around and look at it a different way.
Absolutely set time aside for your creative projects.
...and where will you find time to do your blogging?